Get 3 bottles of wine from Club W for only $25 (shipping included) on Gilt City!
Plus, if you're new to Gilt City, you'll get $25 off your first purchase by joining here. That makes this deal FREE, yes, FREEEEE!
If you haven't subscribed yet, now is a better time than ever. Even if you're already subscribed, you can just create a new account (with a new email address) to make use of this awesome deal. I do it all the time ;)
Note: Must be redeemeed by November 17, 2015. Club W is unable to accept orders that are delivered to addresses in AK, AL, AR, DE, HI, KY, MA, MS, OK, PA, RI, SD and UT.
What's Club W?
Subscription: Club W
Cost: $39/monthly + $6 flat rate shipping
Coupon: Purchase on Gilt City to get your first box FREE!
What's in the box: 3 bottles of wine that match your Palate Profile. You complete a Palate Profile when you sign up so they know your taste preferencese.
Using the results of the Palate Profile quiz that you complete upon joining, Club W works off your personal preferences to recommend stellar wines you’ll love.
They also work directly with winemakers and vineyards, so they're able to deliver exceptional wines that are exclusive and you won't be able to find them anywhere else.
Plus, each box comes with a card that includes information about the grape, winemaker and vineyard, as well as tasting notes, pairing suggestions and a customized recipe. The info card is absolutely helpful!
What I also love about them is that they have a mobile app as well so you can view all the current available wines and you can also watch short videos of sommeliers tasting that wine, describing the palate and suggesting food pairing, it's such a cool app!
What's Gilt City?
Gilt City offers its members coveted access to exclusive experiences in select U.S. cities, all at insider prices. Their curators comb through hundreds of neighborhoods and local business for the most exciting offers in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington D.C., with a selection of national offers from leading luxury brands also available for members across the country.
They also occasionaly have deals on subscriptions and I've purchased plenty from them before, so I totally recommend them!